Perception and Cognition

We conduct research on auditory and musical perception and cognition, with particular focus on rhythm and time. This research purports to both help us better understand our tendencies and inspire our creativity in the generation of technologies and works of art.


S. Barton, L. Getz, & M. Kubovy (2017). Systematic Variation in Rhythm Production as Tempo Changes. Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal34(3), 303-312. 

C. M. Tolleson, D. Dobolyi, O. C. Roman, K. Kanoff, S. Barton, S. A. Wylie, M. Kubovy, D. O. Claassen (2015). Dysrhythmia of timed Movements in Parkinson’s disease and freezing of gait. Brain Research; Volume 1624, October 2015.

L.M. Getz, S. Barton, M. Kubovy (2014). The Specificity of Expertise: for whom is the Clave Pattern the “Key” to Salsa Music? Acta Psychologica; Volume 152, October 2014. (Acceptance rate 21-30%)

C.M. Tolleson, S.A. Wylie, O.C. Roman, S. Barton, M. Kubovy, D. Claassen (2013). Motor timing in Parkinson’s disease patients who freeze. Movement Disorders; Volume 28, June 2013.